
10/16 宮城県古武道協会演武


3 件のコメント:

Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Türkiye さんのコメント...

Dear Roshi and members of the Honbu Dojo,you all look very good.I miss you all too.I expect the show Videos from Miyagi Kobudo Kai.I hope next year to meet together in the Honbu Dojo.

中條真堂 老師 さんのコメント...

Headquarters also practice in the dojo. I look forward to next year.

Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Türkiye さんのコメント...

Dear Roshi,This is a very good news.We opened new website.
http://www.daitoryu-aiki.com Please check the page.I waiting for your comments and suggestions.
Keep in touch..